Top Internet Safety Tips for Parents

Provided by the Family Online Safety Institute

  • Talk with your child about Internet safety as soon as he/she begins using the Internet. It is never too early to start discussing the importance of being a good digital citizen.
  • Use age-appropriate filtering, blocking and monitoring software on all Internet-enabled devices used by your child, including laptops, wireless phones and video games.
  • Stay involved in your child’s online world by setting limits on his/her “screen time” and monitoring who your child is communicating with online. Get to know the web sites your child is visiting and educate yourself about your child’s online activities.
  • Review FOSI’s Internet Safety Contract with your family members and consider having all family members sign the agreement.
  • Explain to your child that he/she should never give out personally identifiable information online. For example, your child should understand that he/she should not post detailed information about his/her whereabouts.
  • Make sure your child knows never to meet someone they met online face-to-face without first talking with you about the situation.
  • Tell your child to never share their passwords with anyone, including friends.
  • Explain the consequences of posting inappropriate material online. For example, a child’s reputation can be impacted by a status entry or an image that is shared.
  • Monitor your child’s mobile phone usage and review text messages sent and received, including images downloaded and uploaded.
  • Educate yourself on the latest threats facing kids online (e.g., cyberbullying, sexting, etc.) and arm yourself with information that will allow you to talk to your child about being a good digital citizen.

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