Internet Safety Tips for Kids

Provided by the Family Online Safety Institute

  • Before you post anything online, ask yourself whether you would share the information at an all-school assembly. Once you post something online, it is there for everyone to see.
  • Be nice and polite to everyone you contact online. Avoid contact with strangers.
  • Do not share your passwords with ANYONE other than your parents—not even your friends.
  • Do not provide information regarding your whereabouts online without a parent’s permission.
  • Never meet someone face-to-face who you met online.
  • Do not forward any photos or images that contain nudity.
  • If you receive a message from someone that makes you feel upset or worried, show it to  your parents or a teacher.
  • Think before you text or post because your words and images can impact your reputation and can damage your future success.
  • Conduct yourself online the way you conduct yourself in the real off-line word If you would not say something to someone’s face, do not say over email or by text.
  • The Internet is a wonderful place to find information and connect with people and friends. Surf safely and remember the three Cs…avoid contact with strangers, consider the content of your message and conduct yourself responsibly online.

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